This Week from Mitch

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

This Sunday is Palm Sunday, a day of mixed emotions, and quite frankly mixed messages. The service starts with a parade, the waving of palms, and a joyful march into the church. Then, as we enter into the church, there is a transition that takes place from a joyous parade into a funeral procession. We the people of God, who shout "Hosanna!" transform from laughter and happiness into an angry mob that shouts "crucify him!" as we play our part in the Passion of Christ.

It's a strange Sunday that ends with a solemn blessing and then silence. No dismissal, no organ postlude, no final hymn, just quiet. Since the earliest days of our faith, our church has asked us to enter into the week before Easter with intentionality and reverence as we remember Jesus's acts on the cross. In short, we are called this week to make our lives a living remembrance of a man who was killed for a message that the authorities of our world simply could not handle. While Rome preached of the dangers of the world, Jesus reminded us to "be not afraid." While the authorities showed their might, Jesus taught the world to turn the other cheek and to love our neighbors as ourselves.

This week I invite you to make your life a living testimony to the power of love as you remember the actions of the cross. I look forward to seeing you this Sunday at 8 AM, 10:30 AM, or 5 PM, and I look forward to walking the way of the Passion with all of you.

In Christ,



This Week from Mitch


This Week from Mitch